Daily Draw Result at 7:30PM

Draw Result (7:30 PM)

Million百萬 4D
Draw Date: 2024/12/22
First Prize 3173
Second Prize 2857
Third Prize 8676
Special Prize
8615 3108 1613 7259
0808 6464 9520 9621
9975 9982
Consolation Prize
6709 5780 7650 7763
9865 9870 9741 6502
8824 9552
Million 4D - prize payments guaranteed in full

Why Million 4D?

Daily Draw

Our draw results would be available daily at 7:30pm. There is a chance for everyone to change their hopes and dreams become real every day.


Our daily draw results are generated daily at 7:30pm at the casino. We guaranteed there are no fake/cheating results.

Borderless Draw Result

With the assist of internet technology, the draw results can be seen everywhere in the world. Our local teams situated in different countries would able to help you to redeem the payout.